Thursday 8 March 2012

First Post!

Hello blogging world. I am finally getting the chance to start my blog so I can keep everyone who is interested updated with what I have been up to in Krakow. It has already been over two weeks since landing in Krakow the time seems to just be flying by! Krakow is a very beautiful medieval city, filled with very interesting people. Of course, not knowing a lick of Polish when I arrived, I have ran into my far share of language barriers from the start. But, looking on the bright side of things, it is challenging me to learn Polish and dive into their culture headfirst. And luckily for me, I have Polish class Monday-Thursday for 1.5 hours, I will be fluent in no time! I think I have done well against the feeling of culture shock. I have been able to find one of the best English bookstores in Krakow and the best place for pizza so whenever I need a little taste of Ameryka, I will run to these places. I have gotten lost, yes, but luckily I always keep a handy-dandy map in my jacket pocket. This city is really easy to manage on foot and I am thankful for the exercise. 

Well, this is just a short treat to what my blog and travels will be about, I want to make this blog a priority for me to make sure I stay connected to those who are back home in the 'States.' 

The Rynek-Main Sqaure in Krakow

Mamma Mia-Polish pizza at its finest, will be making regular trips to this cozy restaurant

Main Square

Preparing to leave for Krakow! All of the essentials packed

Massolit Bookstore is a wonderful place, filled with many rooms of books

Enjoying myself out on the dance floor, clearly i am laughing at my failed attempts at dancing

Megan and I getting ready for a night out on the town
Let my adventures begin!

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