Monday 19 March 2012

Left My Heart In Ireland

Saint Patrick's Day in Ireland
For St. Patrick's Day I spent the weekend in Galway, Ireland with a few lovely Keene girls. Megan and I met up with her roommates, Hannah and Chelsea, who are both studying in Ireland. Going to Ireland has been on my bucket list forever but this weekend was only my introduction to this beautiful country.   After graduation, I hope to return for a month and galavant all throughout the land of the Irish. 

Keene Girls: Chelsea, Hannah, Megan and I beginning our all-day Galway Tour
This weekend was a little Keene State reunion. There were 8 KSC students in all there and it was great meeting new faces and reminiscing about good ole Keene. As we have been saying, this is the start of our senior year and what a great start it has been.

Ireland is such a beautiful country. It is a very luscious and green place. Everyone in Ireland is so friendly, granted we were in Ireland for St. Patty's Day, which of course is the friendliest day of the year, but it makes no difference, i stand by what I said. Also, one other amazing thing about Ireland is that you can drink the TAP WATER. I have been deprived of that luxury here in Krakow. Sometimes I just want to drink from the sink, what say you? I love me some all natural tap water.

We encountered many interesting people and situations in a short weekend visit to Ireland. Here are just a few anecdotes:
1) While flying from Krakow to Dublin at 8:30pm (after a three-hour delay) we sat next to a guy who was completely wasted and who continued to drink until we landed 2.5 hours later in Dublin. Megan and I tried our best to get the point across that we just wanted to read our books but he wasn't having it. He concluded that we were rich girls returning home to Ireland. No way were we American because our accents didn't sound like it, at this point I told him to just leave us along and keep his assumptions to himself. A very interesting encounter to start our weekend off.
These are the "cliffs of insanity" from 'The Princess Bride' and were in 'Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince.'

The Cliffs of Moher
2) On Friday we spent most of the day on a Galway tour with our final destination being the Cliffs of Moher. Our tour guide came straight out of the Disney film "The Luck of the Irish," he was the exact replica of grandfather. His name was Desmond and I already miss that great Irish man. We sang "Galway Girl" and learned other Irish music. 
3) I was told that I am not Irish, only an American who wishes she was more Irish, fml. I am still Irish at heart though.
4) I forgot how easily it is to communicate with people when we all speak the same language. Of course, we had to decipher through the many accents that belong to the English language but it was a nice change of scenery being able to communicate so easily. I love the challenge of a language barrier in Poland but it was a nice break for just the weekend. 

Dunguaire Castle
St. Patrick's Day Parade in Galway, Ireland
Representing Polska all the way in Ireland, see you at Euro2012. I was so happy to see a Polish themed part of the parade. It has only been four short weeks since I arrived in Krakow, but I am already beginning to consider it my home.  
Some Krakow roommate love <3

This weekend was an amazing introduction to Ireland, and I am counting down the days until I can return again. Until next time Ireland, I will be seeing you again soon, stay classy. 

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