Monday 7 May 2012

It's Crunch Time

Well, for the first time this entire semester, I am feeling stressed from the amount of schoolwork that is piling up on my shoulders. All work and no play this week. And it doesn't help that almost everyone back in the States is out of school for the summer. I have two presentations and a research paper due this week. 
BUT, as a reward, my sister is coming on Friday for a 13-day visit. Krakow-Prague-Sensation-Paris, here we come. I am so unbelievably excited for her to get here. And for us to travel to Prague and Paris together. Good thing we both don't know a lick of Czech or French. We will make due with a combination of English, Polish, Spanish and the minimal amount of French that we have picked up on the streets (of Glastonbury). When we get to Prague, we will be meeting up with Luke, one of my dearest friends from home and Jake, a fine Orientation fellow from Keene. All of my worlds are going to collide. Once we experience SENSATION, Eliza and I will be roaming the streets of Paris, living every girl's dreams..We will see what Paris has to offer us, Love girls. I am hoping Paris gets to the level of expectation I am at from movies like Passport to Paris, The Da Vinci Code, French Kiss, Ratatouille and of course Madeline. These movies make Paris seem heavenly and I do not want to be disappointed. Wait, Madeline! I was fascinated with her growing up, 1) because she had red hair (we gingers tend to stick together) 2) her books were phenomenal and 3) she had her appendix removed. 
In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines, 
lived twelve little girls in two straight lines…
They left the house, at half past nine ...…
The smallest one was Madeline.
Now my expectations have doubled. No excuses Paris, you better bring your A-game in two weeks. 

Alright enough about giving Paris a hard time (can you tell that it is way past my bedtime). 

As always I am very thankful for my followers and I want you to know that I write these absurd blog posts, well this one at least for you. Hope you enjoy. Next up: Study Trip to Lithuania & Latvia. 

p.s. Happy Summer Stateside friends :)

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